Wednesday, September 07, 2005

It has begun!

School, Oh the thing that I was so excited for has now come back. And Now I am counting the days till fall break in November. No, it was not that bad, just first day of school overwhelming and crazy. I can not believe I am in my fourth year of post secondary, and yet have another year maybe a year and a half to go.

So have a learnt anything today?..........Sometimes things and people change but sometimes it is for the better. Have I learnt anything school wise? NOt to get stressed, (although I have not had bio yet so....)

I have learnt some things over the summer though. Patience, strength, God's love, friendships, Love. Yeah I learnt alot. But I can not wait to learn more. Some wonderful things might be just around the corner for me, and I will let you all know when they happen. But until then. I am just praising God that He is always teaching me. It is never ever going to stop!

Praise the Lord

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