Tuesday, February 15, 2005


I look ahead,
trying to see my future,
are there things out there?
things I want to have happen.
Or is it all going to fall apart?
Am I always going to be the one with the broken heart?
What is going to happen to me?
Why can't I just see.
Am I ever going to be happy?
will I ever understand.
What is in God's plan?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Singles Awareness Day!!!

Well, okay so today is Valentine's Day. Other wise known as Singles awareness day! Yep for all us single people. Sigh.... Sometimes, I just do not know what to do. Pastor Garry said it right in Chapel this morning. That one day God will send us someone, but until that time, and even after that time, we have to remember the best valentine. That God, because he loved us so much gave us his son so that we could live. Isn't that just the best valentines day present ever!!!! I hate how it it so commercial. Do you really need to have a special day to say I love you to people you love? Nope, in fact I love them all and I tell them that everyday. I like that, that is y I do not really like Valentines day though, I mean, cause it is almost as if you have to expect it from your other half if you are going out with them. maybe I am just bitter. YOu never know. Ahh well, tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


So here it is, Lent. And now for 40 days I will be to every german class, without complaining about the class. ( I never said anything about the teacher!) and also for 40 days I will be without MSN. Do you think I can do it? I think german is going to be tough but you know it will be better for me. We will see how it goes.
I am also so tired all the time. I figure it is because of all the late nights early mornings, but I think I am alittle stressed too. Mission trip is so soon!!!!! I can hardly wait, but I am getting nervous. really nervous. But you know, that is okay because if I was not nervous, I do not know if I would be ready. Anyway. Now I am off to work cause that is what I have to do. Have a great one!

Friday, February 04, 2005


So I just recieved the best gift ever!!! My very own hiking bag. I am so happy I could sing. la la la la la la la la la la la la!!!!! It is blue and grey and black. And I am so happy. did I mention I was happy!!!! very very happy! Anway now I want to go and play. See if I can fit everything I need into it for Klemtu! maybe, it depends on if I want to or not. I am just so happy. Oh and I have a Nalgene bottle too, and its pink! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Have a grand one! I think I am going to wear my bag all night. just cause I am crazy!