Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A day in the life

So today I did not go to school until 4:00. It felt wonderful to sit at home and do some work, and then go to school and sing. It was good, got to hang with Scott before choir, and we hung up some posters. But after today I have realized that I can not speak english and I can not tape. I was almost cut from the poster hanging, but that would have been horrible and then Scott would have had to do it on his own. Although i am sure he could have gotten someone to help him... Nah! ( I would like to clarify, he was the one that asked me to help him hang them up!)

Anyway moving on with the day. So my teacher wants me to direct or choir. I have done it before but today I felt really inadiqute. It was sad, maybe it was because looking at some of the people I could tell they were only there because they were getting credit for it. That always makes me mad when they are only doing things like this for credit. Oh well! It is not my problem they do not want to be there.

I have been reading some of the other poems that people in my school write and put in the paper. Its true I have also had some poems in the school paper, but reading other peoples, I feel as if I can not write. I hate that feeling because I love to write, but then I read these and I am like, I can not write like that, so I get into a writing block. GRRRR!!

So last week some things that I put away on the shelf of Alyson came back to bite me in the butt. I hate that but I actually delt with them this time instead of putting them away. I am happy with the way school is turning out. I have been working hard and I feel that it is showing. i am working hard on things outside of credit stuff too. The other day the film festival stuff got mailed out, and now I have to do some stuff for it and chapel so that we can get that flying off the ground and the Concordia play is next week. Therefore I will be busy and not home from Tuesday night to Sat. Night!! i am so excited but know that I am going to burnt out. How fun is that!!!

Speaking of chapel, I wrote my little insperation thing for the 18th today. i know I should have been doing my speech for friday, but that is not working and I know I will have that done later. But I really am proud of my insperation thing. I only think I like it because it is about warm fuzzies. I told Muffin today that that is what it was on, and he just rolled his eyes. I think it is good, but I will probably change some of it later on, seeing as how I have a little bit of time yet. It will be good I am thinking and I am proud of it. When I type it out i will post it so that you can read it although I am probably wing most of it, but that is okay, you cna still be able to see the basis. I can not wait.

Anyway that is the day in the life of me. I hope that every other day is just as exciting and I will write a wonderful review of the Deviners sometime next week so that you can know how it is going or how it went. Anyway May your day be wonderful and in the words of Montiverdi, Live Happily!


lilshortbread said...

Busy girl!
I hate it when people jsut show up for the sake of it too... "*sigh* i had that in art class... soooo frustrating.
I always feel inferior to others writing, singing, artwork, music, handwriting, etc.... *sigh* we are too modest aparently alyson.... hehe. i like your poems! they're you! Thank God for your gift! Writing blocks ar enot fun.. i had one for over a year.... *sigh* ah well...
yay for dealign with "things"! *hugs*
Do post your talk, it will be interesting! :-)
Live Happily! I like it. :-D

Emily said...

I love it that you posted that long post and told us all a bit about you, Alyson! I love your poems! If you feel they aren't good enough, come over to my house and i'll show you mine. Then you'll change your mind. :-) *hugs* i can't wait for December 5th!