Saturday, January 01, 2005

Another Year

Wow, another year is over, and now a new one is beginning. I am starting it off right by going to see Phantom on Thursday and then on Friday after work, I am going swimming and sleeping at Rhondas. And then school starts again. Oh great joys!

It is funny, but I want to go back to school now. Not just to see the friends, but to learn. It is wonderful.

Today I had a pot luck at church that was fun. I was able to talk to my friends for a while, about some serious stuff. It was good. I also got to play with my princess. (My self adopted baby. actually belonging to a friend of mine!) It was wonderful. Except for the fact that everyone was like, that looks good on you Alyson. Yeah okay well find me a guy so that I can get married, so that it can happen! Ah well, I have to finish school first and then off to B.C. I go! Then maybe once I am there. But who knows the Lord willing one day it will come. Either way it is okay with me at this moment. Maybe when Tom and Mir get Married in May I will be a little sad, but other then that, Meh, life does go on!

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