Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Your Dutch when
>>>You finish the food on your plate in a restaurant even though it is
>>>burnt or otherwise unfit for human consumption;
>>>You reused plastic margarine containers long before anyone had heard of
>>>the environmental movement;
>>>You have a two volume address book, Volume I: A-U Volume II: V-Z
>>>Your main contribution to gender equality was the switch from King to
>>>Wilhelmina brand peppermints;
>>>Your range of restaurants is restricted by the contents of a "Buy one
>>>meal, get one free" coupon book that you purchased to support
>>>missionaries in Brazil;
>>>You wipe the last of the butter out of the container with your bun;
>>>Your mother's hairdo is the same at your wedding as it was at hers;
>>>Your closet is divided into work clothes and Sunday clothes;
>>>Your church attendance record is not disrupted by childbirth;
>>>Your Sunday routine resembles: church, coffee, roast beef, soup,
>>>snooze, and church;
>>>You have a living room but never sit in it;
>>>All your cookies taste like almonds;
>>>You make the bed in your hotel room;
>>>The last tip you left at a restaurant! was: "Don't wear so much makeup"
>>>and "A little quicker with the coffee next time";
>>>You have always been to church on New Year's Eve;
>>>You can sing "eere zij God" even though you can't speak Dutch;
>>>Seeing raised hands during worship causes you to look around for a
>>hold up man;
>>>You are still trying to justify owning a dishwasher;
>>>At your wedding everyone is swaying but no one is dancing;
>>>You have attended worship services at a campground amphitheater;
>>>You know what an afghan is;
>>>You have lace on your windows but not on your underwear;
>>>Your two permanent Saturday jobs are to wash the car and make sure you
>>>have enough change for the offerings;
>>>All of your recipes are adapted to fit a 9 x 13 pan;
>>>You can't imagine a funeral reception without ham buns;
>>>The usher never needs to ask you where you want to sit;
Monday, April 24, 2006
HEre we go again
so join in my adventure.....give me your name and I will:
1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll tell you my favorite memory with you.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) I'll give you a quote that reminds me of you.
9) I'll tell you something that I think about you.
10) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Are you ready for NESSA!!!
I look up to Vanessa, and always will... well actually we are about eye level. Anyway she is an amazing Child of Christ, and is totally an inspiration for all of those around! She makes me smile, and has a caring and compassionate heart! I can not wait till she becomes a mom, cause she is going to make the best one! I Love ya Nessa!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Well what to say about Eric, I dont really remember when we started to become friends, I think it was when I met Scott. But I did meet him before. He was my dad in a play..How does this work seeing as how I am older? well I dont know, but Natasha wanted him as the dad! So he was, and we played! I actually thought his name was Chris for a while, until I was told different, and then we started Muffin. (who started it anyway, Muff? I forget!) But alas, Muffin and I have shared some laughs, and some good talks. It so happens that we where on the same mission team, and it is because of me that Muff loves "With Jesus in my Boat!" so much!!! (actually he hates it, but you know) we really got to know eachother then and i am so glad that we where put on the same team. I think God had something to do with it! Anyway, although I have not seen alot of Muffin this term, last one was a different story. Oh good old Horton and her wonderful ways. (cough cough gag gag!) Muffin, you are an increadable guy! You have amazing talents, and you are so much fun to hang around. You are an ear when someone needs to talk, and you can make people laugh when they need too! I am honoured to know you as a friend, and I will cherish our friendship! You have a way about you that is kind and caring, and I dont think you could intentionally hurt a flea. (well maybe a flea, but not a huge giant beetle, well maybe a beetle, but not a pretty butterfly!) Anyway you have showed Patience where really others would flip, and love when every thing seemed wrong! Thanks for making this year a special one. Peace out!
qoute of the day...(I dont have one, but I am sure muffin does!)
Regan its your turn
what to say about Regan...............
Okay i am done thinking, My first memory of Regan is, crum I dont even remember how we met Rea, do you? I think maybe it was through Scott or something..My favorite memory of Regan is sitting in her bedroom, just talking, about anything and everything. I liked that, and when Regan sung me songs, oh and the song she wrote for me! Yes I love my song!!!! In fact now that I think about it, I have it in my head... "Its not me that your thinking of..." Anyway now that I have sung that I will move on. Regan is a friend that is always there for you. Even if you dont talk to her for a long time. (gag on the not talking) She will always be there if you need a friend. And I mean isnt that the most awesome thing ever! Regan is also very strong in what she believes and if she disagrees she will tell you! I will also remember Regan on the mission trip, telling me I needed a new verse! And gave me one. (I have it highlighted in my bible, but I forget what text it is at the moment. I will post it later! ) I thnk she was sick of Philippians 4:4. I will never forget seeing her when she came back from Bella Bella the first time. Oh man, she let that light shine bright there, and I think everyone of those kids that she touched changed! She is an amazing girl, and is a riot to have around. I will miss her SO much! Besides if it were not for her, I would not know who would marry me in my school. (in case Tim does not work out...dont worry no sign of that happening!)
Love ya Rea! Keep the light shinning!
Lets do another one:Scott

Who is Scott? Besides the worms in dirt man of eating? Well, Scott is strange, crazy, and a ton of fun! Who would have thought by the picture? I met Scott one day, I think Amber introduced us, I am not sure, all I know as we started to become friends. (not close yet, just friends) And he told me of his love for Sponge bob!? Anyway.... Moving on, so Scott and I got to know each other, and it was not long before his and matt's room in dorm was the place to hang out! Well, I was OFTEN there (my "room") and Scott and I started to get to know each other quite well. Now, well now he is one of my best guy friends and we often feed off each other to do crazy crazy things. Like you know I could one day be like," hey Scott lets go and jump in the puddles, and then he would be like, okay lets do that, so we would go jump in puddles and then i would push him, he would fall.... and we would laugh!" (this is often how our (my) planning would go, and I would talk out this whole senario, and would add we would laugh. and then we would go and do it!)
On top of being crazy, Scott has always let his light shine. My favorite part of our friendship is the talks we have about God, and our faithlife, and what God has done for us!" He once told me, and I agree, that I friendship that is based on God, is a friendship that will last forever! I like that!
So Scott, thanks for the memories! I cant wait till we crash each others weddings (when we finally get married, after we grow up...) and then we would laugh!
Be Gods!
All about Leah
This post is about Leah
So I have known Leah for two years. But we never really got to know each other till the winter last year, when Neal said, "Alyson there is this girl who is as bored as you are... you should email her" so I did. And so a beautiful friendship began.
I think we drove Muffin mad after that with our NARF and well just being ourselves. We each had a "room" in guys dorm
What else can I say about Leah? Well a lot, but some of it, I can not tell you because it is just Alyson and Leah stuff. But I do have to say, that we have had some pretty fantastic talks.
Leah inspires me to do things that I never thought I could do. She wears her heart and her faith on her sleeve and is willing to share that with anyone. She cares about EVERYONE! and is a blessing to have in our lives.
I will never forget listening to her songs, and in fact... I might go listen to one now! And just talking about things.
Leah you are an amazing child of God and I thank him daily that He has placed you in my life!
oh and leah writes stories......(or so she says. :p)
Love ya girl!
so many things happening
Last day of Classes
List of things to do
Tims Birthday
Study for exams
write exams
get a car
find out stuff about school
mail my audition tape
Work! (which should be fun!)
write a theory exam
say good bye to my friends
watch my friends get married. (YIPPEE)
See Henry get married (Bigger YEAH)
Say good bye to family and Tim
Go to school
Hmmm I wish I could just stick with the things done!
Anyway well this should be a great summer! in two weeks the first two will be done, and that is fantastic
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tims Blog
Neal Continued
okay continuation done. HOmework to do. more posts later.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
When I first met Neal I was a little taken back, I mean what do you say to a guy who has an interesting hair colour is wearing bright orange pants and has a ton of piercings? Well, because I was not used to it, but thought meh, he is bound to be fun. I dove right in. And a beautiful friendship began. Over last year Neal and I have shared some interesting memories. Including *spoons* and waking me up in weird and interesting ways. I took frequent naps last year in dorm. Neal has opened my eyes that beauty is in everyone, and that he is an amazing person! Did you know he is tons of fun to hang out with, and has a heart of gold. Oh Darn Neal I am breaking your cool calm shell. Neal makes me laugh in so many ways, and I have never been the same since I met him. One of my favorite memories of Neal is "jumping him" last year after christmas I was so excited to see him. And just hanging out with him. I am saddened that I never see him this year, and I feel that every time I am in guys dorm he is sleeping anyway. Another thing about Neal... he sleeps....A LOT! It makes me smile, Oh and the day that we had formal day at school (why because the boys decided) Neal looked well very good! (but sorry, not as good as Tim!) Anyway moving on.... Neal, I have some fun memories of you even this year. Trying to twirl me in the choir loft...(cough cough) And my birthday hug. (Need I say more!) But that my friends is Neal. Now I dedicate the comments to your memories of Neal... Because like I said this post is about him. Well and you can tell me if you really want me to write about you, or if you really dont want me to write about you. But MOSTLY write about Neal!
I heart you Neal!! And will miss you when I am gone!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Good Bye
I can not believe that school is almost over! I am really getting ready for it to be done, but this is my last year at Concordia! I dont want to say good bye but I have to! But I know I must move on. I have posted an article I wrote for the Blue and White! (I dont know if it got in, but meh!) I hope you enjoy it, and please continue to pray for all the students during this time!
“Good bye’s the saddest word I’ll ever hear”. Another year is coming to a close, students are rushing to finish that last paper, finish that final project, or study for that brutal final that will be there before they know it. Yet, something else sneaks up, good byes. Soon the halls of Concordia will be empty and Tegler will no longer be filled with the common chatter we hear each day. Some welcome this time with open arms, and others, well others can’t believe that it is over. This is my last year at Concordia; I am moving on and can not believe that it is over. I have so many fond memories of this school, every hall way and many class rooms hold special memories for me. I will never forget karaoke in Tegler, so loud that even if you wanted class you couldn’t, mission trips and all the bonds mad from them. I will never forget “visiting” various offices just to say hi, and have people come to just say hi to me. I will always remember discussions with certain Profs, and striving to do my best. But most importantly I will always have a special place in my heart for the relationships that were formed here. People have come into my life and have changed it. I have grown in so many different ways, and when I leave Concordia, a little bit of my self is staying behind. But I must go and start the next page in my life. Good bye Concordia, God bless, I will miss you!